02 - Provisioning - LXC (Linux Containers on Proxmox)

Proxmox VE
Provision new containers in Proxmox



January 17, 2023


Getting started

Download LXC template

Create a new LXC instance

Remember to copy your public SSH key to remotely access the container.

Define the LXC as a template

Clone the LXC template

Access the LXC via Serial console

Install additional dependencies

Install some useful dependencies:

  • Git to clone boschkundendiest repository
  • OpenSSL to generate self-signed certificates
  • Vim to edit some files
  • Also Openssh to ease access to the LXC container
Installing OpenSSL in Alpine
apk add git openssl vim openssh
# Make openssh available from the LXC boot
rc-update add sshd default

Access LXC via SSH

We should be able to access via SSH to the container as root user (we configured our public SSH key on LXC creation time).