Welcome to my DevOps repository of guides and exercises. Here you’ll find (I hope) useful information about self-hosting your own services and managing them.
Latest posts
08 - Remote access - Guacamole
Access your servers via web browser
01 - Kubernetes - Traefik + cert-manager
Adding reverse proxy and load balancing to our Kubernetes services
00 - Containers - Docker & Docker Compose
Pre-requisites to deploy services as containers
04 - Authentication - OpenLDAP
Centralize your user database for services authentication
05 - Productivity tools - NextCloud
User your own productivity suite
06 - Productivity tools - OpenProject
Efficiently manage your projects
07 - Code analysis - SonarQube
Analyze your projects’ code and keep it well maintained
01 - External access - Cloudflare
Secure remote access to your homelab
01 - Provisioning - Virtual Machines on Proxmox
Provision new VMs in Proxmox
02 - Provisioning - LXC (Linux Containers on Proxmox)
Provision new containers in Proxmox
Create a REST API with Python and Django
Static website debugging and deployment
Explore California
Static website debugging and deployment
Homelab Requirements
Things you need to start building your own homelab
Homelab project introduction
Greetings and motivation behind this project
Part 3 - DNS and DHCP servers
Automatically assign IP and Domain Name to all your VM and LXC
Part 4 - Proxy HTTP(S) into the internal network
Make your internal network accessible from the outside