02 - React JS: Project structure

React JS
Project structure



April 25, 2023


Read this article for further insights

How to structure a React project?

The folder structure should look like this:

React - Folder structure
  • Assets: it contains assets of our project
    • It consists of images and styling files
    • Here we can store our global styles
    • We are centralizing the project so we can store the page-based or component-based styles over here, but we can also keep style according to the pages folder or component folder. This is up to the developer’s comfortability
  • Layouts: it contains the available layouts of the whole project, such as header, footer, etc…
    • Stored layouts can be called from any file
  • Components: building blocks of any React project
    • This folder consists of a collection of UI components like buttons, modals, inputs, loader, etc… that can be used across various files in the project
    • Each component should consist of a test file to do a unit test as it will be widely used in the project
  • Pages: each file in the pages folder represent a React contains a route
    • A Page can contain its subfolder
    • Each page has its state and is usually used to call an async operation
    • A Page usually consists on various grouped components
  • Middleware: allows for side effects in our application
    • redux uses it (?)
    • Any custom middleware is kept here
  • Routes: contains all routes of the application
    • It consists of private, protected, and all other type of routes
    • Here we can even call sub-routes
  • Config: configuration file where we store environment variables
    • Filename: config.js
    • This file shall be used to set up multi-environment configurations in your application
  • Services: included in the project if we use redux.
    • It contains 3 folders:
      • actions: called in almost all the pages
      • reducers: called in almost all the pages
      • constant:
    • Create actions, reducers and constants according to Pages name
  • Utils: consists of some repeatedly used functions that are commonly used in the project
    • It should contain only common js functions and objects like dropdown options, regex condition, data formatting, etc…