06 - React JS: Highcharts

React JS
Render charts using Highcharts



May 16, 2023


Highcharts React is a library that allows you to integrate Highcharts, a popular JavaScript charting library, into your React application - It provides a React component that acts as a wrapper around the Highcharts library, enabling you to create interactive and visually appealing charts - By utilizing the Highcharts React library, you can easily incorporate interactive charts into your React application, making the data visually accessible and enhancing the user experience


How Highcharts React works to make data visible in a React app: - Installation: First, you need to install the Highcharts React library along with the Highcharts library itself. - You can do this using package managers like npm or yarn - Importing components: Once installed, you can import the necessary components from the Highcharts React library into your React application - The main component you’ll use is typically called Highcharts React - Configuration: Highcharts charts require configuration options to define the type of chart, data sources, styling, and various other settings - In your React component, you’ll create a configuration object that specifies - You can define the configuration object directly in your component or import it from an external file - Rendering the Chart: within your React component’s render method, you’ll use the Highcharts React component, passing in the configuration object as a prop - This component acts as a container for the Highcharts chart and handles the integration with React - Updating the data: to make the chart data visible and dynamic, you’ll typically store the data in the component’s state or props - Whenever the data changes, you can update the state or props accordingly, triggering a re-render of the chart component with the new data - Interactivity and Events: Highcharts provides various interactive features like tooltips, legends, zooming and selection - You can configure these features through the chart’s configuration object and handle events triggered by user interactions, such as clicking on a data point - Styling and Customization: Highcharts offers extensive customization options to control the appearance of your charts - You can modify colors, fonts, labels, axes, and other visual elements using the configuration object - Additionally, you can apply CSS styles to the chart container - You can also use Highcharts-specific APIs to further customize the chart’s appearance - Additional features: Highcharts supports a wide range of chart types, including: - line charts - bar charts - pie charts - area charts - radar charts - windrose charts - stock charts and more

You can explore the Highcharts docs to learn about additional features, such as exporting charts, adding annotations, or integrating with external data sources.

Getting started

Importing dependencies

The following code imports the necessary dependencies: - React from the react package - Highcharts from the highcharts/highstock package - PieChart from the highcharts-react-official package. You’d import a different component depending on the chart you want to render

Highcharts React imports
import React from "react";
import Highcharts from "highcharts/highstock";
import PieChart from "highcharts-react-official";

These dependencies are required for using Highcharts with React.

Defining data

Data must be formatted as an array of JSON objects, each one with the expected key-value pairs for a defined data set:

Dataset example
const grades = [
        name: "Carla",
        y: 135
        name: "Marc",
        y: 89
        name: "Víctor",
        y: 44
        name: "Rafa",
        y: 32
        name: "Fabrizio",
        y: 12

Chart configuration

Chart configuration is a JSON object that contains relevant keys to format your chart:

Chart options
const chart_options = {
    title: {

    chart: {

    series: [
            data: grades


  • title: formatting options for the chart title
  • chart: formatting and type options of the chart
  • series: data sets to include in the chart

Creating the React component