04 - React JS: Debugging an App

React JS



April 25, 2023


Debugging ReactJS

Several steps to make the debugging process easier:

  • Check the Browser’s console: Look for any error message error in the browser’s console
    • Often, errors will be logged in the console, which will give you an idea of where to start debugging
    • You can learn more about this here: MDN Web Docs - Console
  • Use React Developer Tools: browser extension that provides a suite of tools for debugging and profiling React components
    • It allows to inspect React component hierarchies and track the flow of data between components
    • Learn more about using React Developer Tools here: React Developer Tools
  • Use console.log(): Place console.log() statements through your code to print out variables and see how they change as the code executes
  • Breakpoints: Set breakpoints in your code using the browser’s developer tools or an integrated development environment (IDE) like Visual Studio Code
    • This allows you to pause the execution of your code and step through it line by line, inspecting variables and the state of your components
    • Learn more about using breakpoints here: Chrome DevTools - Debugging JavaScript