00 - MongoDB
MongoDB works with BSON (Binary JSON).
Instead of working with tables, we work with Collections. Each Collection has Documents. Each document is stored with JSON structure.
How to initialize a MongoDB database
On cloud:
Go to MongoDB webpage –> Done
Create an account –> Done
Create a cluster –> Done
Security Quickstart: 2 options
- Create a user with read-write access to the databases –> DONE
- Authenticate via a certificate –> TODO
Network access: defined via IPs
- Add each of the public IPs from where you’ll connect to the MongoDB cloud cluster
Database deployments:
MongoDB - Dashboard Database access: provides the URL syntax to connect to the database
MongoDB - Database connection details - Replace the
with the user credentials created in the previous steps
- Replace the
Extra: LDAP authentication –> TODO
Create a Collection
- Either load a sample dataset or add your own data. When loading the provided sample test, you can browse 9 databases with their own collections:
MongoDB - Cluster dashboard
On premises:
- Docker deployment –> TODO
How to connect projects to a MongoDB database
Spring Boot project:
Spring connection:
JPA annotations to access Collections and Documents
: defined with acollection
value that represents the MongoDB collection
MongoDB Free online course
Course: Using MongoDB with Java
- Estimated duration: 3 hours
Unit 1: Connecting to MongoDB in Java
Lesson 1: Using MongoDB Java Client Libraries
What do we need to connect to MongoDB?
- Set of libraries –> Drivers
- MongoDB official drivers for synchronous or asynchronous application code
- Benefits of MongoDB official drivers:
- Simplify connecting to and interacting with their database from your application
- Establish secure connections to a MongoDB cluster
- Execute database operations on behalf of client applications
- Specify connection options (security, writing ability, isolation, etc..)
- Adhere to language best practices
- Use the full functionality of MongoDB deployment
- Make upgrading easier
- Official docs:
- Usage examples
- Fundamental concepts
- Reference documentation
- API documentation
- MongoDB Java applications must use the official drivers to ensure optimal performance, compatibility and an easy update path
- Drivers simplify connecting to and interacting with a MongoDB deployment
- Official driver documentation is available on the MongoDB website
Q: What is the principal responsibility of a MongoDB driver?
A: To establish secure connections to a MongoDB cluster and execute database operations on behalf of client applications.
Q: The official MongoDB drivers adhere to each programming language’s best practices.
A: True