00 - MongoDB

Introduction to Non-relational database



April 11, 2023


MongoDB works with BSON (Binary JSON).

Instead of working with tables, we work with Collections. Each Collection has Documents. Each document is stored with JSON structure.

How to initialize a MongoDB database

On cloud:

  • Go to MongoDB webpage –> Done

  • Create an account –> Done

  • Create a cluster –> Done

  • Security Quickstart: 2 options

    • Create a user with read-write access to the databases –> DONE
    • Authenticate via a certificate –> TODO
  • Network access: defined via IPs

    • Add each of the public IPs from where you’ll connect to the MongoDB cloud cluster
  • Database deployments:

    MongoDB - Dashboard
  • Database access: provides the URL syntax to connect to the database

    MongoDB - Database connection details
    • Replace the username and password with the user credentials created in the previous steps
  • Extra: LDAP authentication –> TODO

  • Create a Collection

    • Either load a sample dataset or add your own data. When loading the provided sample test, you can browse 9 databases with their own collections:

    MongoDB - Cluster dashboard

On premises:

  • Docker deployment –> TODO

How to connect projects to a MongoDB database

Spring Boot project:

  • Spring connection:

                url: mongodb+srv://<mongodb-url>
  • JPA annotations to access Collections and Documents

    • @Document: defined with a collection value that represents the MongoDB collection
  • MongoRepository

MongoDB Free online course

Course: Using MongoDB with Java

- Estimated duration: 3 hours

Unit 1: Connecting to MongoDB in Java

Lesson 1: Using MongoDB Java Client Libraries

What do we need to connect to MongoDB?

  • Set of libraries –> Drivers
  • MongoDB official drivers for synchronous or asynchronous application code
  • Benefits of MongoDB official drivers:
    • Simplify connecting to and interacting with their database from your application
    • Establish secure connections to a MongoDB cluster
    • Execute database operations on behalf of client applications
    • Specify connection options (security, writing ability, isolation, etc..)
    • Adhere to language best practices
    • Use the full functionality of MongoDB deployment
    • Make upgrading easier
  • Official docs:
    • Usage examples
    • Fundamental concepts
    • Reference documentation
    • API documentation


  • MongoDB Java applications must use the official drivers to ensure optimal performance, compatibility and an easy update path
  • Drivers simplify connecting to and interacting with a MongoDB deployment
  • Official driver documentation is available on the MongoDB website


  • Q: What is the principal responsibility of a MongoDB driver?

  • A: To establish secure connections to a MongoDB cluster and execute database operations on behalf of client applications.

  • Q: The official MongoDB drivers adhere to each programming language’s best practices.

  • A: True

Lesson 2: Connecting to an Atlas Cluster in Java Applications

Unit 2: MongoDB CRUD Operations in Java

Unit 3: MongoDB Aggregation with Java