Object creation


What to take into account when creating objects:

  • Where do we create them?
    • Project structure
    • Data types
    • Nested classes
  • How do we create them?
    • new
    • Factory classes
  • How do we manage them?
    • Methods creation
    • Manager classes
  • How do we send data?
    • Send Object references to other classes
flowchart LR
    A[Object Creation] --> B{Where do we\ncreate them?}
    B --> C[Project structure]
    A --> D{How do we\ncreate them?}
    D --> E['new']
    D --> F['Factory' classes]
    A --> G{How do we\nmanage them?}
    G --> H[Methods creation]
    G --> H2[Manager classes]
    A --> I{How do we\nsend data?}
    I --> J[Send Object references\n to other classes]

Object creation scope

Be aware of the scope of each Object!

Encapsulation is critical, keep variables within its required scope. Don’t try to make them available to everyone if not critical.